Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Fill-In

Crazy busy week for Sabrina. So I thought I would do here Friday Fill-ins for her.

1. She had a great _____. (I wont touch that with a ten foot poll)

2. _____ is by my side, always. Sabrina and the kids

3. I know this: _____ Love unconditionally

4. _____ still. Stand

5. These words apply to me: _____. I love to make people laugh

6. _____ the sun was shining. The beach empty, the sand hot, the water cool and

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____! Going to Transformers; Birthday party and painting, finish tasks

Hope you have a great day!!!

Love ya babe,
Your Man


Robin said...

1. She had a great _____. Idea

2. _____ is by my side, always. God

3. I know this: _____ Water and oil don't mix

4. _____ still. Be

5. These words apply to me: _____.

6. _____ the sun was shining. The rain stopped and

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____! Grilling, farmers market, rest

Sabrina said...

oh my gosh, what a great surprise. My man covered for me. He's the greatest! Here goes...

... one liner.
...he loves me.
shut up and be...
... short and stumpy
It's humid, I'm covered in sweat, pee and poop and...
family date to see Transformers, neice's b-day party, VBS picnic.

Greg and Donna said...

1. She had a great personality and lots of one time blind dates. I am not saying she was ugly or anything. Just saying.

2. My elbow is by my side, always. It just hangs there in the middle of my arm.

3. I know this: Captain Morgan and table saws don't mix but pineapple juice does.

4. After the tremendous crash, the toyota rolled and tumbled down the gutter into the culvert where it spun to a stand still.

5. These words apply to me: Grillin', Apple wood Smokin', BBQ, Ribs.

6. Through the dense sweet acrid smoke billowing from the Charbroil grill surrounding and inundating the three slabs of perfectly prepared baby back ribs, I could just see that the sun was shining.
(What do you want, it's lunch time and I am hungry!)

7. Weekend was driving home, teaching sunday school, and prepping for the new floor in the kitchen.

Sorry I didn't get to it on Friday, I can not blog from a Blackberry. It is the most aggravating thing to try to type on ever created.