Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Goodbye summer...Hello school

I realize that many areas have already gone back to school but my kids started today. Here is the new 4th grader...

I sent him in with this for his teacher.

Because I feel a the sucking up cannot start too early.

And here is the new 6th grader. Middle school is gonna be awesome.

It's gonna be great year. I just have to get used to waking up. I don't think one cup of coffee is gonna do it.
*****the dog just threw up beside me as I was uploading pictures. I hope that is not a sign of the school year ahead of me. I wonder if I need to check the lunch meat I packed.****
Have a happy day.


Greg and Donna said...

How studious they look! Hope they both have a great year. And sucking up to the teacher is not a bad thing! Love ya!

Greg and Donna said...

I like how Sky sneaked into the pictures of the kids.