Behold... FrankenDog:
She got into a little scrap with the new dogs at the farm. Remember them? McE took her out there and the sniffing turned ugly. And a little Micheal Vick action went down. But the Skye dog took it. She was the only one injured but she never yelped or cried. I don't think she knew she was hurt. Actually, neither did McE. He saw the wound when he got home. Skye was treated to stitches and 22 staples. She also had to wear the 'cone of shame' for a day. I think that was the worst part for her. She really was embarrassed.
Skye is recovering well and being a great patient.
Katie my oldest niece, had a franken foot this summer. I pray we don't have any more Frankens in our family.
Have a happy day.