Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Fill-ins

Another day, another Friday. Hope you have a great Friday!

1. The crickets sing, _____. means rains a comin' (sounded cool when I wrote it)

2. ___________ wherever you are. Come out, come out

3. ___________ better than nothing! Sleeping is

4. ___________; this was a dream. To become a mechanic

5. But as for me ___________. I like all music types

6. ___________ I come from. Life of hard knocks is where

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____! Hangin with the family; Getting horse stuff and eatting at Moe's; Changing van brakes

I know it is going to rain on Saturday but enjoy your sunny Sunday!



Greg and Donna said...

1. The crickets sing, the reel whines, the crappie bite, dinner is a fish fry ~ ah, the circle of life.
2. You can be taxed wherever you are.
3. Oatmeal is not better than nothing.
4. Playing bass in a killer rock band; this was a dream.
5. But as for me; give me liberty; you can keep the death.
6. Avast ye scurvy landlubbers; its a sharp curse and a dark cold night that I come from.
7. liquid diet, flushing my system, an invasive medical procedure!

Greg and Donna said...

Ummmmm, Greg made the comments not Donna. I am the nurse and maker of the liquid diet. And the taxi driver to the invasive procedure!